
AngularJSdirectivetouseMaterialDesigniconswithcustomfill-colorandsize.Forproduction,useminifiedversiondirectlyfromCDN:fromAngularMaterial,andI'mwonderingifthereisanyofficiallistofthenamesofalltheincludedicons.A ...,2022年5月14日—...

Angular Material Icons

AngularJS directive to use Material Design icons with custom fill-color and size. For production, use minified version directly from CDN: <script src=//cdnjs.


mat-icon makes it easier to use vector-based icons in your app. This directive supports both icon fonts and SVG ...

Is there an official or exhaustive list of all mat

2018年6月1日 — I have started using <mat-icon> from Angular Material, and I'm wondering if there is any official list of the names of all the included icons. A ...

List of All Angular Mat Icons | mat

2022年5月14日 — There are 1000+ mat icons available to integrate with your project. These mat icons are based on core Material Design principles and metrics ...

Mat-Icon List

2020年7月15日 — mat-icon selector used to display Material icons in Angular.We have around 900+ Angular Material icons.To show the below mat-icon list icons ...

Material Icons Guide

2023年2月3日 — Browsing and downloading individual icons. The complete set of material icons are available on the material icon library. The icons are ...

Material Symbols and Icons

Introducing Material Symbols. Material Symbols are our newest icons consolidating over 3,206 glyphs in a single font file with a wide range of design variants.

[Angular Material完全攻略] Day 03

中間的 person 一樣是Material Icons裡面可以選的icon名稱,不同的是外面由 <mat-icon> 這個元件標籤包起來;雖然效果是完全一樣的,但比起原來必須看到 class=material- ...